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Different countries - Different Food
05.01.2010, 18:22



Different countries - Different Food


(Обобщающий урок по теме”Meals” в 7 классе)


       Цель урока - обобщение и пополнение знаний, активизация ранее изученной лексики, развитие монологической речи, cравнение британских и русских традиций в еде и национальных блюд.



1.Вводное слово учителя:

        - Dear boys and girls, we ll speak about different types of food and compare British and Russian dishes.


2. Повторение и активизация лексики:

        - What are the five basic types of food? (meat, dairy, fruits and vegetables,bread and cereal, fats and sugar )

       Расположить изображенные продукты по пяти основным группам и назвать их.


       - Translate the following sentences .

1.    Мясные продукты дают нам сильное и здоровое тело, обеспечивая белком.

(Meat helps you have a strong and healthy body by providing protain).

2.    Молочные продукты участвуют в построении крепких зубов и костей, обеспечивая их кальцием.

(Dairy builds strong teeth and bones by providing calcium).

3.    Фрукты и овощи делают наши десны здоровыми, зрение хорошим , обеспечивая витаминами А и С.

(Fruits and vegetables help you have healthy gums, good eyesight etc. by providing vitamins A and C).

4.    Хлебобулочные изделия и каши дают нам энергию, обеспечивая белком, железом и витамином В.

(Bread and cereal gives you energy by providing protain, iron and several B vitamins).

5.Жиры и сахар являются быстродействующими  

   источниками энергии.

 (Fats and sugar are fast sources of energy).


     So we can see that people need all these types of food to be strong and healthy.


    How can we call these types of food?

   (We can call them healthy types)


   Use the words for understanding and making recipes


      Complete each phrase with the most suitable word from the list. Use each word once only.


Bacon, butter, forks, pepper, beer, chips, grapes, saucer, bread, chocolate, instant ,coffee , wine.


a.     cups and…       e. eggs and…         i. a can of…

b.     fish and…         f. salt and …          j. a bar of…

c.     knives and…     g. a loaf of…         k. a jar of…

d.     bread and...       h. a bottle of…       l. a bunch of…


Complete each sentence with a word from the list. Use each word once only.

 Add, beat, cool, grate, heat, melt, peel, pour, slice, sprinkle


a.     …the potatoes and…them thinly

b.     …the eggs in a bowl and then…them to the mixture

c.     …butter in a saucepan and …gently for two minutes

d.      …the mixture into a bowl and leave to …

e.      …some cheese and …over the potatoes


"British” students tell about British meal

The usual meals are breakfast, lunch, tea, and dinner

A traditional English breakfast is a very big one- bacon, eggs, vegetables,a toast with marmalade,jam or honey.The traditional drink is tea.

Lunch isn t small either: cold mutton,fish with potatoes,salad.

Dinner begins with some salad,followed by a clear soup, vegetable and dessert. It is the main meal of the day for many people.

Tea means two things. It is a drink and a meal. Tea is the favourite beverage in England.

They drink black and white tea (with some drops of cold milk or cream) with very little or no sugar at all.


How tea was first drunk in Britain?

By the time tea was introduced into Britain in 1660, coffee had already been drunk for several years.

By 1750 tea had become the most popular drink for all classes of people – even though a pound of tea cost a skilled worker a third of his weekly wage.


Nowadays, tea drinking is no longer a formal social occasion. People don t dress up to go out to tea anymore.But one tea ceremony is still very important in Britain – Tea Break.Millions of people in factories and offices look forward to their tea breaks in the morning and in the afternoon.


There are some rules to make the perfect cup of tea. English people make tea "as Mother makes it


1.Fill the kettle with fresh water. Warm the tea pot.

2. Put one teaspoonful of dry tea leaves per person and an extra one for tea pot.

3.Pour on the freshly boiled water.

4. Let tea infuse for five minutes, then stir.

5. Add cream, sugar to taste.

Such tea looks as black as coffee.


You can try Iced Tea with lemon. It is very popular in America.


Now you can make English tea yourselves.

(карточки с фразами разложить в правильном порядке)


Russian students show how to cook borshch.


You need:




sweet pepper




brown onion


salt and pepper


1.    Boil some meat in the salted water.

2.    Stew beetroot

3.    Fry carrots and onion

4.    Put some cabbage and potatoes in the broth

5.    Add stewed beetroot, fried onions, carrots, parsly, tomatoes, sweet pepper. Add salt to your taste

6.    Boil

7.    Serve with sour cream, garlic and greens

You can try to cook it for the members of your family.

Let s do it again!


Match the words from two columns


Boil                       carrots and onion

Fry                        beetroot

Put                        some cabbage and potatoes

Stew                      meat

Add                        sour cream, garlic and greens

Serve with                  stewed beetroot, fried onions, carrots


You see dear boys and girls that people like different food and dishes. But everything we eat and drink should be useful and make us healthy and strong, should give us energy to work and study.

Remember: "Wealth is nothing without health”

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